Word of the day

July 11, 2012

JUGHANDLES–    This is a term used in New Jersey when giving directions on getting from one place to another.  In other words, motorist very seldom make left turns and definitely no U turns allowed.  Instead if you want to go left you turn right-  follow the “rotary” another squirrelly term then continue to follow the confusing maze to either get across the intersection or make a U turn–at the same time watch for the “rotary” traffic that is going “straight” or trying to make a left or a U turn—-well, you get the picture.  I got a headache just bouncing around the extremely bad roads in Jersey.

However, the smoothest ride we  was on the ferry. We rode on the upper deck which gave us an unobstructed view of the river.


July 11, 2012

Left Boston on the 5th of July and traveled to  Connecticut.  We spent time walking downtown and picking up some souvenirs.  Clearly the beaches are beautiful.  Dylan hooked up with one of the “locals” just outside one of his favorite shops where he also picked up some treasured vinyl.

I highly recommend a visit to Old Mystic Town where we camped out for 2 days.  What a picturesque  little town.  Absolutely friendly people.  Even the teenagers were polite.  I never saw a single one walking around plugged in to a cell or looking down texting.  What an experience.

We tried our luck at the local casino.   As I said, luck…


July 6, 2012


July 6, 2012

Erie, PA

July 6, 2012

Niagra Falls–Ontario Canada

July 6, 2012

Coach of the Year

July 6, 2012

I finally spent some quality time with “Coach” (aka my son) and he walked me through the steps, again, on posting my photo gallery.  What a guy–he’s there for me all the time with the patience of a snail.

What would I do without him.  By the way, if you care to visit his blog do so by scrolling down to BlogRoll on the post site and click “Ticking Away the Moments” .  You can also check out our daughter’s blog just right above it” “deargodandbabyjesus”.  Funny stuff!

Hope you enjoy the photo galleries to follow–again, thanks to my “Coach”.


July 4, 2012

We spent  six fantastic days in Maine.  The grandson visited with his granny and caught up with other relatives.  Mr. Man and I mingled with the locals and visited a few tourist spots. We also ate lobster every evening–what more could we ask for.

Mr. Man won some money at the casino so the extra money should cover the upcoming tolls as we work our way to Florida.

We took a U-turn from Maine and are currently back at Hanscom AFB in the Boston area.

We took our first subway trip to  downtown Boston.  We went specifically to see the Tall Ships.  It’s fleet week in Boston and the display of vessels is impressive. We decided not to stick around  for Boston’s big 4th of July celebration.  Didn’t feel comfortable with the large crowds.

Side note:  From Iowa to Maine and back to Boston, I have never seen such a display of our Flag.  These flags have been flying since last month and they are everywhere!  On bridges, buildings, cemeteries, back roads, telephone posts, rooftops, gardens–what a display of patriotism. 

Hope everyone had a great July 4th!


God Bless America

July 4, 2012

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HAPPY 4th OF JULY…..Don’t forget to fly your flags and remember our men and women who fought for our freedom.

Do the math

June 27, 2012

Do the math

This is your Math quiz card. I’ve yet to figure out the “calculations”. It all depends when you get onto the turnpike and when you exit it! Either way, you’d better have some money on you.