Mr. Man, Talkies and the GPS

As most of you remember from our trip out West 2 yrs ago, Mr. Man was obsessed with getting a signal from the Dish satellite system he carried around the campsite until he “connected” with someone out “there”.

You’ll remember the “dark day” when he sat there in a “comatose state of mind” when he couldn’t get a signal no matter what he tried.

This trip is not much different.  The new BEAST has all the bells and whistles money can buy–YET the one thing Mr. Man has been baffled with is  getting the center channel (the people speaking channel–talkies) working.

We’ve been on the road nearly 7 weeks.  When we finally sat down to watch a movie there was no sound from the characters!  He had not ONE, but 3 remotes at his side.  Those that know Mr. Man well understand that he is happy, happy, happy when he has a remote in hand.  The more the better.

I finally suggested that perhaps the system wasn’t completely hooked up.  His reply..”No everything is ok”… so I paraphrased the suggestion and he finally got up and checked on it.  Whoa–guess what!!??  After it was properly hooked up we were able to see one of my favorite movies—Crimson Tide.

My next “suggestion” is to get rid of the antiquated GPS he has.   “Coach” has directed him to upgrade sites.  I’ve offered to buy him a new one–but he won’t budge.

Dylan and I have seen him drive around in circles as the “trusted” GPS coordinates instruct him to do.  We have driven miles off the beaten path only to hear him say “100 yds; 25 yds; 5 yds–I can’t believe this sxxt”.   (in other words, the restaurant, gas station or other business  we were driving to is NOT there).  Dylan and I have wagered bets the GPS is wrong and now have a nice nest egg from our winnings.

Example–today we left the WMart parking lot and the GPS gave him directions back to the Naval Base.  We drove out of the parking lot and turned right back into it—  Dylan and I have decided we should take public transportation  from now on.  We need to get off this merry-go-round.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

One Response to “Mr. Man, Talkies and the GPS”

  1. Ron Says:

    Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Love getting updates. Enjoy the eastern part of the country. 🙂

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